Cash Donations

Your cash gifts allow UGRM to use your gifts where needed most when needed most. You can also choose to give monthly, ensuring we have a stable financial foundation no matter what time of year it is. Consider this:
Many donors give two or three times a year. If you give a gift of $25 twice during the year, you have provided a total gift of $50 annually. If you give a gift of just $10 each month, you provide an income of $120 annually to UGRM! Thank you for whatever the Lord leads you to give. Your gifts truly make a difference.
To make a gift of stock directly transferred, an estate gift or another planned gift or to give non-cash assets such as cars, boats or estate, please contact Greg Kirk (573-785-3013) or David Nagayda at (573-785-4683).
Here is a simple codicil you can add to your estate plan if you’d like to make United Gospel Rescue Mission a beneficiary:
I, [your full name], of [city, state, zip], give, devise and bequeath to United Gospel Rescue Mission, Poplar Bluff, Missouri, [percentage or amount] of my estate for its unrestricted use and purpose.